List of Lazy ETF Portfolios
Last updated on January 17, 2025. Returns are exclusive of transaction fees and taxes.
Simple and passive portfolios with fixed allocations for long-term investors.
A lazy portfolio is a fixed allocation of assets, usually comprising of a number of diversified ETFs, that requires minimal oversight or maintenance, making it perfect for long-term passive investors.
Pick any of the lazy portfolios below based on your individual needs. What are your goals? What's your investment time horizon? What's your risk tolerance? Some portfolios are more globally diversified than others. Some offer higher returns than others, although that usually means higher risk (aka volatility).
Ready-made Lazy portfolios take the guesswork out of investing. No need to do any stock picking yourself. They also require little time to manage. Most Lazy portfolios only need to be rebalanced once a year, in order to reset the ETF allocation to its original weights.
While lazy portfolios have their own advantages, they also have their weaknesses. To attain respectable returns, a good portion of the portfolio will have to be invested in equities. When markets go down, inevitably so will your portfolio. If you're looking for more active protection against downturns, have a look at dynamic ETF portfolios.
Last updated on January 17, 2025. Returns are exclusive of transaction fees and taxes.