Analysis and Backtesting Tools
Build and improve your investment portfolio for more return and peace-of-mind.
Make better informed decisions by analyzing your assets for risk and reward. How much return can I expect to make? How much risk am I taking? How does it compare to another asset? Our analysis tool got you covered.
Financial and Statistical Ratios
Compare with other assets
Use stocks, ETFs, mutual funds or indices to build your ideal portfolio. Create a buy-and-hold portfolio with an optional rebalancing frequency. Or prefer a trend-based dynamic portfolio? Track rebalancing changes automatically.
Build simple Buy and Hold portfolios
Build a dynamic allocation with periodic rebalancing
Nested Portfolios
Use our state-of-the-art tools built for long-term DIY investors from all over the world. We're bringing hedge fund-level capabilities to retail investors.
Beside US-based assets, we also support European and Asian domiciliated assets.
Euros. Dollars. British pound. Swiss Francs. And more. Rejoice, international investors.
We have historical prices for major indices and asset classes dating back to 1970s and earlier which can be used to backtest a strategy.
Analyze your portfolio with a multitude of financial and statistical ratios such as Sharpe Ratio and Maximum Drawdown.
Set flexible rebalancing periods, e.g. monthly, quarterly, or yearly. Start of the month? End of the month? Whatever works best for you.
Stay on top of your investments and get notified when your portfolio needs to be rebalanced/changed.
Get as close to reality by backtesting your portfolio with transaction fees and taxes included.
Build dynamic portfolios based on tactical asset allocation (TAA) strategies for additional return and downside protection.